Usenet Central is no longer accepting new members. We have been acquired by Fast Usenet and are in the process of merging our services. We'd like to thank all of our members for supporting us over the years. If you are looking for the best Usenet access visit Fast Usenet to signup.
↪ Learn More About Usenet Retention at Fast Usenet
What is Usenet newsgroup binary retention and why is it important when choosing a Usenet provider?
Let's start out with what Usenet retention is. Retention refers to the length of time measured in days that articles will stay on Usenet.
Let's say that you post a file to Usenet Central today, we offer over 1,000 days of binary retention and are growing everyday. So the file that you post today will still be shared with the Usenet community and available for download 1,000 days from now.
Retention rates exist because it would be impossible for a Usenet service provider to store everything posted to Usenet indefinitely. Let's say for example the average amount of disk space to store one day of Usenet is 8 terabytes. Usenet Central has over 1,000 days of retention which means we have 8,000+ terabytes of server storage... WOW!
Another important factor when choosing a Usenet provider is speed. At Usenet Central we have top quality computer hardware and software. With some Usenet providers files that are older won't download as fast as newer posts. With Usenet Central an article that was posted 900 days ago will download just as fast as a file posted today.
We invite you to take us for a test drive and discover why more and more people are choosing Usenet Central everyday for their Usenet service. We offer a 14 day 15 gigabyte free trial so you can experience the power of our Usenet system risk free.